World Rowing Virtual Masters Regatta


2020 World Rowing Masters Regatta alternative

The FISA World Rowing Commission has decided to initiate a virtual rowing regatta. On your Erg. According Fisa, WRVMR will take place at the same time as the original regatta, from 2-6 September 2020. Designed to be done anywhere in the world masters rowers are invited to complete a 1000m piece on any kind of indoor rowing machine. Read text here.

Get on your Erg. World Rowing Virtual Masters Regatta

Like most of the 2020 World Rowing regatta season, the World Rowing Masters Regatta has been cancelled. In this predominantly virtual season, however, an alternative regatta will take place. Bring on the 2020 World Rowing Virtual Masters Regatta (WRVMR).
So here’s how it works. From 2-6 September jump on an indoor rower and submit your score to the online form here. (WRVMR form link).

The World Rowing Virtual Rowing Masters Regatta – It is an easy thing:

  • Use any of the available ergo meters, at your home, in your club or gym.
  • Enter your 1000 m times as many times as you like.
  • The time(s) you submit will work off an honour system.
  • Note: extra fast rowers will definitely be recruited by the nations rowing associations.
  • World Rowing will then publish the name and club affiliation of everyone who participates.
  • Each participant will also receive by email a certificate signed by the FISA authorities.
  • FISA will also publish general statistics – 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles for your age group.

What do you think? Just another Indoor Rowing event or a good way to virtually meet your buddies from overseas?


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