In less than two weeks World Rowing and the Hungarian Rowing association will open the WRMR in Hungary. Lake Velence, 50 Km south of Budapest. Rowperfect will be present at the regatta place.
World Rowing Masters Regatta: “The Lake of Sunshine”
According Regatta Central website, “Lake Velence is one of the most atmospheric and charming regions of Hungary, a magical place which will leave you with so many experiences to take with you.
With its velvety, shallow waters Lake Velence is located in the heart of Hungary,50 km from Budapest, 46km from Lake Balaton, in wonderful natural surroundings, at the foot of the Velence Hills. The water is great for swimming, and wind sports and fishing are also popular. Because of the sunny climate of the area and the shallowness of the lake, it is one of the warmest lakes in Europe: its tperature in the summer may reach 26 to 28 °C.
All year round this region offers numerous wonders for those keen on sophisticated, near-natural experiences. Lake Velence is not only a paradise for hikers. Hundreds of kilometres of hiking routes can be covered comfortably by bike, on foot, on horseback and on water.
Those looking for quiet relaxation can enjoy well-looked-after, sandy shores and the pampering services of wellness hotels and spas while those thirsting for active recreation, for new knowledge can set out to discover the natural beauty and architectural sights of the surrounding area and can take their pick from the wide variety of programmes offered by the region.”
The Races and the World Rowing Masters
“What a success story: from small beginnings in the 1970s to one of the largest, arguably the largest rowing regatta in the world. In the 1974 the total number of seats raced was 1.000. The record so far has been Bled in 2017 with more than 18.300 seat entries, corresponding to 4.600 individual participants and over 900 races in the regatta (Source: Website)
“For Hungary, when the WRMR returns to Europe, FISA expects a very high entry again. Bled in 2017.. there were no delays even within a very tight schedule of 2 to 3 mins between the starts. But the record number of entries stretched the operating capacity to its utmost limit. To allow for a safe racing environment that would cope better with less than perfect conditions and to be sure that the experience for the participants meets expectations, in the future the Masters Commission of FISA have thought very hard on how to tackle this “probl” without hindering
the success of the development of the regatta…..The Commission believes that the highest number of races the regatta can have in a full day of racing is 180. If the average is 18 races an hour, this would result in 10 full hours of racing, for example 8:00am to 6pm, with a continuous flow of races at three minute intervals, with occasional gaps to allow for adjustments and personnel shifts. It also allows some extra time each day in case racing is delayed due to weather or other adverse conditions, so that hopefully races would not need to be cancelled by impending sunset….” (read more)
Here is your schedule for the World rowing Masters
Pick up your orders at the Masters regatta?
Get your order online and pick it up in Velence. We are at the lake and can bring possibly your order to Hungary. Please order online or drop us an ail.