This is now a Paralympic sport and will be in Beijing 4 categories. We are seeking to win 4 medals. I do talent identification for the team. 21 athletes came to our trials for 9 places on the team.
Who is eligible for the Paralympics
You may get approached in the future and we want to hear about them
What we are looking for
- Physiological attributes strength, power, endurance
- Anthropometric attributes tall body, long limbs
- Specific disabilities arms only (A), trunk and arms (TA), legs trunk and arms (LTA)
- Want people with minimal disability in each category.
- Arms only complete spinal cord injury in the low thoracic region e.g. T12. Upper trunk function and full arm and hand function.
- Trunk and Arms single leg, above knee amputee, desirable full function of trunk and upper body.
- Leg, Trunk and Arms fused ankle or wrist joint, visual impairment B3/B2, through foot amputation, below knee amputation, three finger amputation on one hand, fused ankle. Desirable full function above the knee.
Please tell your clubs that we need more recruits and so look for people with minimal disability.