The Good Coxswain Guides are a series of 12 booklets developed specifically for coaching and training coxswains.
We have been given three complete printed sets as review copies for Rowperfect's customers to test out. We intend selling them as electronic e-books (pdf) and so these are a really nice opportunity for a club to get hold of a full printed set of booklets.
If you would like to review them, please email us saying why you'd like to review them and which people in your club would help with the review. Would you like electronic or printed versions of the booklets?
You will have two weeks to read and review them and we'll publish your work here on the website and in the online shop.
The booklet titles are:-
- The cox and the boat
- Steering the boat
- Using the voice
- Preparation for the water
- Launching and landing the boat
- Responsibilities on the water
- The coxswain as coach
- Race day – preparation
- Starting and racing
- Safety on the water
- Further drills for the cox as coach
- Coaching the coxswain
- Logbook of personal records- outings, race plans, self-assessment
This Post Has 3 Comments
I would be happy to review some or all of these booklets. If asked to do this, I’d like more details of exactly what was wanted in the reviews, etc. I wrote the 1969 ARA booklet on coxing, which now of course looks wonderfully old-fashioned! I currently coach at Peterborough City RC and do quite a lot of coaching of coxes, as well as umpiring (a good vantage point from wich to see what coxes are doing!).
Chris Gill.
I would very much like to review the coxwain books. I have been a cox for Surrey University Boat Club for a year, and will continue throughout the rest of my degree – another 3 years! I have competed in a number of races over the past year, the most important being BUCS in Nottingham. I have thoroughly enjoyed coxing, being the right height (only 4ft 9) and the lightest cox in the club. Through the use of these books I would very much like to improve my technique and gain a more in depth knowledge of the coxwains job; therefore help the rowers to progress further. The other people who would help review these books would include our main coach and president of the club.
Thank you
I know this is about 3 years after the post date, but by chance are you still looking for reviewers? I’m currently coaching three teams (all with novice coxswains or coxswains looking to gain more experience) and coxing a masters 8+. I’d like to see what information these books offer in comparison to what I’ve always been taught. I’m always looking to improve on all the different aspects of coxing and am also looking for new tips/tricks to pass on to novices who are just getting started. Thanks!