Monthly Prize Draw September 2017

Each month subscribers to the Rowperfect newsletter are included in a free prize draw to win one of our products. This month (September) we have TWO prizes:  Video analysis of your…

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RowingChat: at Craftsbury Sculling Center

This month we welcome back two previous RowingChat guests who are both expert sculling coaches.  Together they're coaching at the world famous Craftsbury Sculling Center in Vermont, USA. Our focus…

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Recovery for Masters Rowers

By Marlene Royle Just as pushing your bow across the line for the first time in the 50+ age category signifies entering a mature phase of your rowing career it…

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Masters rowers – want to get faster?

Announcing Faster Masters the Rowing Coaching membership service for masters rowers and scullers developed with expert coach Marlene Royle.. It is called Faster Masters and will launch to the public on 1…

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Advice for coaching masters rowers

I'm working as a coach for masters this summer, first time in a coaching position. 5 years junior rowing experience. Does anyone have any tips specific to masters? I'm working…

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Exercises to become a stronger rower

Rowperfect recently received the following question from a reader: "I'm a new rower and I compete in school regattas. I was wondering what exercises I could do to become a…

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Rowing on Google books

Google has been running a project to scan and publish a range of books freely online.  It has drawn objections from copyright holders - but it's a useful resource for…

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