Interview with @CrewProblemz for Rowperfect


 src=In this blog post, we interview CrewProblems, a twitter page which shares problems that are shared by thousands of other rowers. Be sure to follow them if you enjoy laughing at the misfortunes of others!

What first gave you the inspiration to start your twitter page how many of the problems you tweet about actually occur to you personally?

  • I love crew, as it consumes my life, so I thought, “What a better way to send out humorous and true events in my life than to start a twitter account!!”
  • Twitter unites people around the world, so when CrewProblems asked me to join as a second member, I could not decline! It is absolutely fascinating to see how many people share the same feelings as you on a particular subject!

90% of the problems we tweet occur personally. The rest are problems our friends have told us about that have happened to them.

Without giving too much away, what is your rowing background?

  • I have been a coxswain for three years of boarding school, but my college does not offer crew anymore :’( I still cox for a club team though!
  • I have been rowing for three years and the coming will be my fourth year rowing!

We all love reading your tweets – Have you got a couple of favourites?

Thank you so much! Yes we do!

  • “Row like you have never won before. Think as though you have never lost.”
  • “Race hair is worse than sex hair.”
  • “If all of the glaciers did indeed melt, everywhere would be like Venice, and everyone would want us to teach them our trade.”

Do your friends and family know your alter ego(s) and do you plan on ever revealing your true identity?

  • Some of my friends know, but very few! My parents know and my sister since she let us use her email account!
  • My parents do not know and none of my friends know!

Maybe one day we will reveal ourselves, but for now, it is a fun secret!


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