Thanks for the note on the memoir, ‘The Sculler’. It sounds great and being genuine, I will purchase and read with interest.
Still Here rowing book by Ian Nielsen
I could not let this opportunity go by without mentioning to you and perhaps fellow subscribers of Rowperfect, that I have also published a memoir titled ‘Still Here’. Old age sculling takes a pivotal and comical role in a self designed, crazy rehabilitation. And it is also genuine and not embellished (well not much). I have had a lot of correspondence from readers suggesting they enjoyed the read. Surprisingly they were not all friends and were also not solicited reviews. Your subscribers may be interested.
The book is published by Grosvenor House UK, and can be purchased from Amazon and other sellers. For all the particulars see Ian Nielsen Website.
I apologise for any liberties I take in emailing you. I have not a clue about marketing. I thought, ‘here are like minded, they may be interested’. Toss it in the bin or delete as you may wish. My thanks just for reading this and my encouragement to Rowperfect for the priced-right newsletter and the great information contained.
Ian Nielsen
Category I (slow), Master Rower
Black Mountain Rowing Club, Canberra – member
“Still Here” is a memoir – including rowing
I am just an ordinary bloke who had an unspectacular life – until about ten years ago. The first 60 years of my life occupies about the first 30 pages of the book.
That’s not to say that the last ten years were unlucky, just that they were different and worth telling. At the fork in the road, I might, occasionally have been better taking the other route. But then I would not have had the last fascinating ten years to tell you about.
My story really unfolds with a medical mishap. Medicine saved itself (and me), with an air vac to a wonderful hospital and a five star ICU. Miraculous medical efforts saw me recover from a place usually reserved for the doomed. While still being alive at discharge, I was in a poor state with an unlikely long term future. Cheerfully, I set course on a self-designed programme of recovery.
Having re-floated the bank balance, I did my best then to drown myself in a tricky sport involving rowing a single scull. I was undeterred that I had almost no knowledge of this game and foolishly had a go. I don’t want to shock you into not buying my book, due its seemingly gruesome nature. Far from it. I can let you have a sneak preview without ruining the plot. In the end it mostly works out okay. I am last seen, pottering off in an unstable manner, in a racing scull on Lake Burley Griffen, Canberra. I was very lucky in fact, to have lived and be able to report this whole story. I hope you buy my book and enjoy it, unless you already have (and didn’t). This web page like its author, is a little slow off the mark, being late at the birth.
And the rest of my story is in the book.