Drills to improve balance

Drills to improve balance in sculling


A reader wrote in to ask “Which drills are most effective to improve balance at the backstop position in sculling boats?”

I love questions like this so thanks for asking.

My answer starts with checking first – are your athletes in the correct position at the finish?  Blades buried and handles up near your chest with the base of your thumb brushing your t shirt over your lower ribs. Hands should be one to one and a half fist widths apart.

Two articles for you to read

Article 1: J-Curve

Article 2: Double Bounce

Now for exercises….

I like two – the J-Curve exercise and the Double Bounce exercise.  The links explain both, how they should look, suggest ways to communicate the teaching to your athlete and progressions in difficulty as they get more proficient.

Teach both drills to improve your balance

Combine the two drills – teach the J curve first and then the double bounce.  Then get them to do a normal stroke sequence incorporating the J-Curve and the double bounce on every 3rd stroke.  Let them progress to doing the J-Curve every second stroke and then every stroke as they acquire proficiency.

Do let us know how it goes for you.


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