Fitness Parcour für Zuhause.


Schaut Euch das mal an. Ein Fitness Parcour für Zuhause. (Nachahmung nicht empfohlen)


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Dieser Beitrag hat 6 Kommentare

  1. Terry Reid


    Thanks for the update. I feel very positive about the many improvements of the design. Moving the fan close to the slide will reduce vibration and tendency to shudder when using firm pressure. Styling looks great and all metal foot plates much slicker, though the previous plywood ones were nice too. If the price in Europe can be kept similar to the C2 Model D it will do well. Don’t be in a rush to bring to market if there’s more work on styling you want to follow up. I know I buy on looks.

    Very best wishes
    Terry, NSRC, Staffs, England.

  2. ErikSerge

    Just wonderig whether placing the flywheel this close to your feetwon’t alter your erg movement
    .But you guys obviously looked into that before making this model….

  3. rebecca


    Yes we have looked closely at this. It was very important to the design team that the „feel“ of the Rowperfect was exactly the same as the previous model. A lot of time has been invested in this exact point.

    We are confident that it is the same movement. It also works for ‚one legged‘ rowing. Deficits

    Thanks for your comment.

  4. richard

    How was the feedback from the unit you showed at the Head of the Charles?

    Any more progress reports?

    And someone said they wished the slide was as long as the original one…

  5. rebecca


    The feedback was generally positive at the HOCR. A couple of design suggestions about the hook for the handle were received.
    The effective slide length is LONGER than the original. By limiting the seat movement to 50cm this leaves 150cms of movement for the flywheel down the slide. In the old version, if the seat came further than 50 cm from the back leg (which it frequently did) this reduced the available length correspondingly. It mostly showed up with very tall athletes (over 2 meters) where the room for seat position variation was reduced.

    Thanks for your continued interest in Rowperfect.


  6. Nic

    Interested in the „new“ rowperfect, but curious if it available now or will be soon. Also, looked around the DBC site for pricing and found none. Whats the USD MSRP?



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