If you have a gym and want to make the perfect ergo room what do you need?
We got this enquiry from Leila who works for an Oxford architectural firm.
Is it possible to email us a cad file of the Rowperfect RP3. This is for a new sports hall extension for a School in Oxford.
RP specifications
If you read our website page “RP Specifications” then you’ll see the length, width dimensions and I am hoping this will be sufficient for your needs.
To make the perfect ergo room
You will also need to design in
- mirrors on the walls and space for moveable free-standing mirrors
- power sockets – one for each machine as they use computers to display the output information
- shelf to put the computer onto at eye height when sitting down on the Rowperfect
- natural light
- ventilation
- amplifiers for music
- shelves for erg cleaning wipes / sponges
- a view (optional but very nice to have!)
If you haven’t seen a rowing club ergo session being run, I strongly commend you to visit Oxford University and ask to watch them in action.
What else would you put in your perfect erg room?
Decent Rowing has a nice video showing how to set up mirrors for ergo self-coaching