Day: July 29, 2013

How To Coach The Uncoachables

So, how can you coach the un-coachables? What are the un-coachables? The un-coachables are eight factors which you will not find in any coaching text book.

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Optimum levels of training

Optimum training levels (under over-training) The goal of training is to make the heart more efficient and increase its power output. A special Rowperfect feature

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How To Coach The Uncoachables

So, how can you coach the un-coachables? What are the un-coachables? The un-coachables are eight factors which you will not find in any coaching text book.

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Optimum levels of training

Optimum training levels (under over-training) The goal of training is to make the heart more efficient and increase its power output. A special Rowperfect feature

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