- A lunch bag: to pack your own lunch, of good healthy food, while keeping an eye on the wallet. How many fat rowing coaches do you know?
- A notebook (physical or digital): to record those great insights, words of wisdom, important happenings. Just use notes on your phone – or dictate your ideas to a recording app.
- A copy of your coaching philosophy. Shouldn’t be more than a few lines. Laminate it and keep it in your pocket. Could also include your crew/club’s goals for the year.
- A workout space: to exercise, find peace of mind, escape for a few minutes. Add inspirational pictures or objects if you can.
- 30 minutes within your day for health (workout, meditation, etc.). Don’t assume you can do this while driving to the club in the morning.
- 30 minutes within your day for connection with your family/friends/support network
- A set of nice comfortable clothes. Add waterproof to that list!
- Pack of thank you cards, and replenish as used. Alternatively use chocolate. It works just as well as long as hand delivered with the message.
- A library card or internet access: to checkout, for free, some of the exceptional resources all coaches should read. Subscribe to the Rowperfect blog?
- A hat (totally optional): but who can coach without a hat?
Freely adapted with thanks to Mike Davenport from Coaching Sports Today